Loyalty Best Practices

Memberson’s Loyalty Best Practises consist of executable loyalty practises to drive specific KPIs of the loyalty program.

Each practice consists of a short description followed by the concept, executable steps, KPIs and a detailed guide how to configure them in Memberson CRM and Engage solution.

The loyalty best practice database contains many different types practices that you can use to deliver the rights results for you. Below are examples of our best practices. Do note that only a few of these best practices contains the complete set of instructions. For further information please contact Memberson and we will guide you on how to use our Loyalty Best Practices.

These loyalty best practices assume you have an overall loyalty program and strategy. If you need help in determining what type of loyalty program and strategy that you should use, please see our loyalty consultation and workshops.


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#46 Loyalty for active life-style to drive rewards and brand connection

#1 Maintain point-earning momentum to stay connected with the brand

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#2 Partner Promo Codes

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#3 In Store Acquisition Campaign

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#4 Social Media lead acquisition (leadtools) [Facebook, Instagram]

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#5 Partner Vouchers (example Grab)

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#6 Use point balance as a sales opportunity

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#7 Influencer Referrals

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#8 Deep links for higher voucher conversion

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#9 Customer Loyalty Survey (Net Promotion Score)

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#10 Lower acquisition cost with a referral program

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#11 Targeting with auto segmentation based on behavioral patterns and characteristics

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#12 Increase spending through stepped rewards

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#13 Dynamic content in campaigns for different member segments

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#14 Convert refund to electronic stored value

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#15 Gamification - Going beyond simply awarding winners

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#16 Shorten repurchase time with timed vouchers

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#17 Capitalize on customer lifecycle changes

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#18 First purchase multi-step loyalty journey

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#19 Time-limited promo codes

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#20 Drive event success with loyalty interactions

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#21 Loyalty points currency options with global loyalty program

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#22 OTC promo to partners for acquisition and upsell

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#23 Engage with your members in their preferred language (engagement, mobile, vouchers)

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#24 Member Acquisition via invite a friend with post purchase rewards

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#25 Capture upsell opportunities via members' patterns

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#26 Drive product refill via Loyalty

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#27 Improve product lifecycle with timed offers

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#28 Capture missing member revenue with opportunity detection campaigns (cross-selling)

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#29 Intelligent reactivation of members

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#30 You are almost there – Tier promo

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#31 Use point expiry as a sales opportunity

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#32 Sign-up promotions to trigger pre-defined customer journeys

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#33 Clienteling - power your sale staff with member information

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#34 Use trigger based personalized communication on an individual level

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#35 Online to drive offline interaction that strengthen brand connection

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#36 Lucky draws that drives sales

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#37 Birthday journeys that drive revenue

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#38 Surprise benefits

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#39 Scan for surprise

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#40 Next-level Shopify abandoned cart management using member insights

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#41 Auxiliary revenue with gift vouchers

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#42 Apply local, regional, global contact policies to enforce rules to avoid over-communication

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#43 Approval workflow to better control campaigns and budgets

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#44 A/B testing with automated winner selection and execution

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#45 Generate two sets of revenue streams by using your member database to promote brands

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#46 Loyalty for active life-style to drive rewards and brand connection

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Having members that are active and engaging with the brand on an ongoing basis drives long-term loyalty. By designing rewards and incentives that goes beyond purchases and includes events, interactions and participation you can ensure your members stays connected with your brand.

Examples of strategic benefits:

  • Customer Repeat Purchases: Having members being more connected, earning more points and participating in various activities drives repeat purchases
  • Brand Ambassadors: Some of these members that become very active and are participating in special events, may become brand ambassadors, promoting your brand.

It is critical that the right incentives for the right activity and participation is available (that goes beyond purchases) and Memberson provides a platform that enables a broad range of options and the right experience and knowledge to implement what is right for you.

For Memberson clients, best practices comes with ready implementation steps to ensure the best outcome for the business.


To ensure members maintain their point-earning momentum in between purchases and stay connected with the brand by offering interactive additional point earning options


  1. Configure interactions in CRM
  2. Set up point earning rules for each interaction
    • Event Participation – Tracked through QR code scanning (Check in)
    • Mobile App Usage
    • Product review, leave a comment
    • Opt-in for Marketing Communication
  3. Trigger Interaction request
  4. Run report and compare purchases from members that stay connected vs members that do not stay connected


  • Cost of membership reward points
  • Integration Cost
  • Increase in brand loyalty – > 10% repeat purchase

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

This is a typical implementation process but there are many various configuration options available depending on interactions used and the incentive for each interactions.

#1 Configure interactions in CRM

The first step is to set up the channel where additional interactions may come in from (if not already set up). You will go to the Admin => Channels and then add a channel (if not already available and set up). In the below set up channels for Mobile App has been set up.

Do note that an integration (API call) need to be available between the channel and CRM for the interaction to be registered.

In this particular example we will assume that we want to give 25 points when the members open MyAccount page on the Mobile App and 100 points when they check in to an event. Memberson provides these two channels as modules within the core platform. Below is the two interactions that has been set up and will be used CHECKINOUT channel with interaction Check-in and ANDROID channel (we have an identical for IPHONE but will use ANDRIOD for illustration) with interaction Access My Account (which is the My Account page).

#2 Set up point earning rules for each interaction

For opening up My Account page on the Mobile App we use the Channel and Interaction in Rule Builder UI and set up a rule with the following:

  • Configure a restriction that means that a member can only receive points once a day for this action
  • Include both iPhone and Android specifying this specific interaction (opening My Account page)
  • Set up that the reward given will be fixed points (25 points) that expires within 1 month

The below is three screenshots with regard to the rule builder restrictions, criteria and action (reward in this case):

We will then set up a rule in similar fashion for Check In with the following set up:

  • Configure a restriction that means that a member can only receive points once a day for this action
  • Include CheckIn Channel and specify check in interaction
  • Set up that the reward given will be fixed points (100 points) that expires within 1 month

Once the two rules have been configured they are visible in the rule builder as per below:

#3 Trigger Interaction request

When the member goes to the my account page in the Mobile App or does a checkIn the interaction will be automatically triggered and the rule executed accordingly which will give points to the members.

Below is a screenshot of those two actions that will create an interaction for each two of these events and give out the points to the users:

After this the person can use the points to redeem rewards or receive discounts and similar.

#4 Compare purchases between point earning members and non-point earning members

For example you can now check the members that have done a minimum of X interactions and compare that to person that did not receive any points from interactions to see the difference in purchases made by these type of members. You can also compare the same set of members from previous month that did less than X interactions and see if the purchases has increased when they have more interactions with your brand. You can extend the criteria to 6 months if your members does not make frequent purchases normally (or whatever time difference that you decide). You can use Engage to extract the set of members that falls into each category based on your criteria (at least X interaction points earned for a given period) and compare that to the purchases made between these two set of members via the Member Sales Report (most flexible way is to download this in excel and you can use vlookup on the customer number) between the two sets.

Engage Criteria to get out customer numbers with three or more interactions in a month:

#1 Maintain point-earning momentum to stay connected with the brand


Collaborating with partners brings benefits to you, your members and the partners. Your members can redeem partner events, products and rewards to enjoy additional experience while you lower the cost of your loyalty program.

Examples of benefits:

  • Customer Experiences: Bring a new set of experiences and rewards to your members with the right partner that supplements your offering
  • Lower Point Cost / Liability: Typically you will give your partner a new way to attract customers while you can lower your point cost / liability since members are redeeming rewards from the partner.

It is important that both the business application, to ensure the right partner is used with the right rewards and products, and the technical implementation, for seamless execution via a standard approach that can be configured for multiple partners in your product, is done right. Memberson can help you navigate both the business application and technical implementation of partner collaboration via promo codes.


Let your customers redeem partner events, products and rewards via your loyalty mobile app or e-commerce site that can be used in your partners stores, sites or mobile app.

Execution Overview

  1. Receive Third Party One Time Codes
  2. Upload the Promo Codes as outbound OTC in CRM
  3. Set up Voucher with External Ref Code (OTC List) linked to Outbound OTC in CRM
  4. When the voucher is redeemed / given show promo on voucher in Mobile App
  5. Member enters Promo Code in partner sites / mobile app to claim event, product or rebate


  • Partner rewards are typically free since it drives new customer to their business
  • Reduction in point liability and added benefits / experience to your members

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

This is a typical implementation process but there are many various configuration options available depending on how the promo codes are shared with the users and how they are suppose to use them.

#1 Receive Third Party OTC

The Marketing / CRM department negotiate with a partner and come to an agreement that they will recieve a set of OTC that they can share with their members.

Typically the third party will send an encrypted file to the marketing / CRM department with a set of one-time codes that can be used on their platform. This typically comes in an excel format as below:

#2 Upload the Promo Codes as outbound OTC in CRM

  • Go to One-Time Code in Admin and select the tab OUTBOUND CODES and press Upload Outbound OTC (top right corner)

Define the Master Code and List Code that you want to use and then select the List with one time codes to be uploaded and press OK. You can see from the list how many of the one time codes has been used once they are started to be redeemed.

NOTE: There are different options in giving the member the partner promo code, such as:

1. A certain activity by the member that triggers vouchers via Reaktor rule

2. Use segmentation in Engage and issue out voucher via Engage

3. Member redeeming a voucher to receive the partner promo code.

For the next 2 steps we will assume that the member is redeeming a voucher via the Mobile App to access the partner promo code.

#3 - Set up the Voucher to connect to third party codes (admin => Vouchers)

  • Fill in the Sub Type = Partner (third party voucher) and link the external outbound codes via the field “External Ref Code (OTC List)” by selecting the correct Master Code that you had defined
  • Ensure that the Stock is that same amount of OTC that you have uploaded (in this example 6)
  • Under Custom Fields => View Setting ensure the field “Show Reference Number” is defined as “Yes”. This will ensure that the voucher once redeemed in the Mobile App displays the reference number that contains the OTC for the user to use. Also it is recommended to set the Voucher Category to Partner (or Event).
  • Note: in the How to Use section ensure that it is clear how the voucher should be utilized at the third party site. And also if there is a particular redemption restrictions set that appropriately in the “Redemption Restrictions” sections.

#4 - User redeems the Voucher in the Mobile App, Access the Partner Promo Code and Uses at Partner Site

The member can view the voucher and take the partner promo code and use the partner promo code online or instore depending on each partner and what the promotions was for, example below.

#2 Partner Promo Codes


Using promo codes, points and vouchers you can create instore acquisition campaigns with a competition element that can generate great results.

Examples of benefits:

  • High Instore Acquisition Rate: Ensures that most people visiting your stores becomes members of your program and you can communicate and engage with these new members
  • Low Customer Acquisition Costs: Does not require any additional external marketing, but will ensure you have a high percentage conversion of customers to members in your store.

It is important you find the right balance in creating a competitive environment and establishing interesting instore rewards to improve instore acquisition success rate. Memberson can help you to establish the right program and ensure execution is seamless.


Create a promo code that gives points or vouchers to the person signing up via the tablet in store or QR codes. Track performance and create competition between stores with incentives to drive member acquisition

Execution Overview

  1. Create a promo code in CRM (based on location) [Optional]
  2. Create QR codes with store location linked to sign-up form [If not Tablet used]
  3. Set up and communicate acquisition campaign to store staff with incentives
  4. Run campaign
  5. Use member report to track sign up by location and determine winner


  • Cost of promo code rebates and staff incentives
  • Increase in member acquisitions from specific locations > 25%

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

Please contact Memberson for further discussions

#3 In Store Acquisition Campaign


Use social media tools and forms to drive member acquisition in a completely seamless manner for the customer within the social media itself.

Examples of benefits:

  • Member acquisition: Attract a new set of members directly in your social media channels making it seamless for the customer to sign up within the social media channel
  • Drive member sales: With the right and targeted rewards specifically by social media channel you can drive additional sales.

The key to a successful strategy lies in making it seamless and part of your social media strategy by combing the social media marketing with your loyalty program.  Memberson provides the knowledge and functionality to ensure successful a outcome.


Capture new members seamlessly via Facebook and Instagram advertisement. You create Facebook and Instagram ads to promote your membership via lead ads instant form (pre-filled pop ups) that create members directly in CRM with potential of unique customer journeys.


  1. Memberson and Client configure and setup Plug & Play integration for FB & Instagram
  2. Create Facebook & Instagram ads to promote membership with Leads Ads Instant Form
  3. Set up the sign-up incentives / customer journey for these new members (optional)
  4. Run report to track success


  • Cost of Plug & Play integration and Facebook and Instagram advertisement
  • Increase in member growth – > 10% [depends on success of facebook and Instagram ads]

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

Please contact Memberson for further discussions

#4 Social Media lead acquisition (leadtools) [Facebook, Instagram]


Create a unique experience and reward by using Grab Vouchers with location strategy to drive transactions and participation for specific stores.

Examples of benefits:

  • Customer experiences: A unique reward to improve the customer experience and interest in visiting a store
  • Increase member transactions: Drives additional member transactions by a unique way of attracting instore traffic and encourage spending to benefit from more convenient transport

The design of the loyalty best practice is important to ensure it targets the right audience and that supplemental rewards are available for other members to maximize the success. Memberson can help you navigate both the business application and technical implementation.


Let your VIP customers redeem location based GrabGifts (fixed value digital gift cards for Grab rides) that can be redeemed via the Grab app. Set value, validity (up to 6 months) and stipulate usage settings with time or location controls to ensure they use the grab ride to go to or leave your store!

Execution Overview

  1. Buy Promo GrabGifts (Flexible Grab digital gift vouchers for any corporate occasion | Grab SG )
  2. Upload the Gift Card Links as outbound OTC in CRM
  3. Set up Voucher with External Ref Code (OTC List) linked to Outbound OTC in CRM, complimentary or with a point cost (you decide based on your use case)
  4. When the voucher is redeemed / given send email via reaktor rules to user to redeem
  5. Member click on link to retrieve the GrabGifts enters Promo Code and select Use now to apply


  • Cost of GrabGifts (but offset against points liability if redeemed via points)
  • Increase in transactions for specific location where promo runs -> 5%

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

There are various options available but we will proceed to buy some grab gifts and then set up a rule that will issue out the GrabGifts to anyone that have bought for more than SGD200 in one transaction in one particular store. The assumption is that there is a particular event going on in a store for one day and you will sponsor their ride home and are among the first 50 people that make a large purchase.

#1 Buy Promo GrabGifts

If you want to purchase a large number of grab gifts you can enquire at https://www.grab.com/sg/business/gifts/. However, for this purpose we will purchase a smaller amount and this can be done directly at https://gifts.grab.com/sg/. Please see below screenshots for when purchasing grab gift vouchers.

It is important that you click in the “I’ll Send the Gifts Myself” and then when you have made the purchase you click on the download the gift links. You will then receive a CSV file with the following:

#2 Upload the Gift Card Links as outbound OTC in CRM

Once you have received the gift link you will now proceed to upload it into the OTC outbound code. You will create a Master Code (if this is the first time you have Grab Gifts) and then a List Code which is for this specific list of OTC and then you will convert the CSV file you got from Grab to a text file (only including the first column.

Once you have uploaded the Grab Gifts you will be able to see them as an Outbound OTC in the list:

#3 Set up Voucher with External Ref Code (OTC List) linked to Outbound OTC in CRM

Once the OTC is available in the system you now create a voucher that once it is issued out will get the OTC (Grab Gift Link) automatically assigned from the OTC list. A few things to remember when setting up the voucher:

  • Ensure that the validity matches the one that Grab sent. If the person is not using the voucher for some reason you want it to expire at the same time as the Grab Gift link is no longer valid.
  • The field “External Ref Code (OTS List) must link to the Master Code that you used so the right OTC codes gets associated to the right voucher
  • You also want to set the stock balance to the same quantity as the OTC codes. Do note that once the OTC codes runs out you will then no longer be able to issue out vouchers. You can top up the actual number of OTC by uploading a new list and add the quantity into the stock balance of the voucher.

#4a. The Grab gift voucher is redeemed / given to the member

The first part is optional since you could also let the instore staff issue out the voucher as part of the operations. However, in this example we are setting up a rule that:

  • Person need to spend SGD200 or more in one transaction
  • The spend must happen during the event in the Store 1 location during the 17:00-23:00 on Wednesday and Thursday
  • Only 50 vouchers will be issued out (should align to the number of OTC that is available)
  • The Grab Gift voucher have fixed expiry date that aligns to the expiry of the grab gift link in the OTC

Please see below a rule that has been configured as per above:

Do note that the Grab Gift Voucher in CRM is at this stage only used for tracking purposes and ensuring that the OTC has been issued to the person. It does not serve any other purpose.

#4b. Once the Grab Gift Voucher is issued an email is sent via Reaktor rules to user with Grab Gift

The next step is to set up a rule that will trigger an EDM based on the voucher that has been issued / redeemed. You will also need to create an EDM template for this.

Below is a simple EDM template that has been set up for this purpose:

Thereafter you will set up a rule that triggers this EDM to the user when the voucher has been issued / redeemed which automatically will populate the OTC field in the EDM with the accurate grab gift link.

With the above the configuration is completed.

#5. Member click on link to retrieve the GrabGifts enters Promo Code and select Use now to apply

From a member perspective they will receive the EDM, tap on the link from their mobile device and it will automatically open up the Grab App where they can now proceed to use the Grab Gift Voucher. Please see below:

#5 Partner Vouchers (example Grab)


Drive purchases via the right point balance thresholds with the right benefits and engagement  

Examples of benefits:

  • Improve Loyalty: Ensuring active engagement and using the rewards earned via the program
  • Increase member transactions: Drives additional member transactions by ensuring the members take advantage of real benefit when available

The design of the loyalty best practice is important to ensure it has the right thresholds and the right benefit and type of engagement to maximize the success. Memberson can help you navigate both the business application and technical implementation.


Define certain point balance thresholds where attractive benefits can be achieved and encourage members that are close to achieving this to earn a few more points to take advantage of the next set of benefits and rewards. The reward and/or benefit has to be substantial to ensure success.

Execution Overview

  1. Define appropriate point balance thresholds with valuable benefits via reports
  2. Setup notification that will automatically inform a user when they are about to reach a certain threshold point balance, or when they have just reached a threshold
  3. Track purchases from participants
  4. Consider to run additional campaigns from time to time to target these members


  • Cost of benefit
  • Increase in spending / purchases > 5%

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

This is a typical implementation process but there are various configuration options available depending on the point structure, rewards and communication strategy.

#1 Define the point balance thresholds

For this scenario we will assume that vouchers are used for redemption of points. The first aspect is to ensure that there are more attractive vouchers to redeem for larger point balances. For example, you will get $10 off voucher if you have 100 points but if you have 300 points you can redeem a $50 voucher. This encourages members to spend more to reach the 300 points threshold that will allow them to redeem the voucher and then make additional purchases. You can also restrict the usage for the $50 voucher that it can only be used up to 50% of the sales price which encourages members to spend at least $100 in the additional purchase once they have received the voucher. There are many various combinations available, and the exact structure will depend on your brand, merchandise and member strategy.

For the scenario, as highlighted above, we will set up a threshold to capture everyone with a point balance between 250-299 to send out notifications to members (can either be email, SMS, push, WhatsApp or any other communication channel that you have enabled – or several of them) to encourage them to reach at least 300 points.

#2 Set up a notification

We can set up real-time rules that will trigger a notification immediately someone reaches the 250-299 points balance. However, this would mean that someone which has just made a purchase will immediately afterwards receive a message to make another purchase. This may not be very effective way to drive the right behaviour and may also annoy certain members. Instead, we will set up a campaign that triggers a SMS (we could have use other means of communication but for the purpose of this campaign we will use SMS) for all members that have between 250-299 points, where the campaign message has not been sent for the last 6 months and where no purchase was made in the last one month. We have the option of setting this up as a recurring campaign to trigger this every month, but since we do not know how successful this will be we will set it up as a normal campaign so we can refine our approach after we have tried this out, with different settings for who should be included in the campaign.

Below is one way to set up the target list in Engage. Do note that we have set up the target to include all members that have between 250-299 points and then we have introduced two exclusions in the targeting:

#1 Exclusion is to remove everyone that made a purchase in the last month

#2 Exclusion is to remove everyone that received this engagement in the last 6 months. Do note since this is the first time we run the engagement this is not meaningful for the first engagement.

The flexibility of the search patterns and targeting options enables us to define the target criteria in many different ways.

The next step is to design the SMS that will be sent when we run the campaign. Since we have selected a SMS for this it will be a fairly simple text message to remind the member to spend to take advantage of the voucher available for them. You can play around with the text copy to see what works best for you:

We will then schedule to send this at the appropriate time. For example, every month on the first Wednesday at 11am.

The below is an example of the SMS that is sent out based on the set up.

#3 Track Spending Purchases

In order to see how successful this set up is we will check how many people that received the message and made a purchase within 2 weeks of receiving the message. This can be done directly within the Campaign that was set up to send out the engagement under the Statistics Tab:

For example you can see each participant that the message was sent out to and if they made a purchase and when (since the start of the campaign. You can then decide if you want to look at different time periods with regards to purchases based on the transaction time. You have a choice of drag and drop different data fields that you want to view in the UI and you can also decide to download it to excel for additional data manipulation and analysis.

#4 Consider to run additional campaigns from time to time to target these members

There are many different combinations and strategies available around this, what rewards you define, what the point thresholds are, who the participants are and what type of communication channel and message that you use. The companies that are most successful have different strategies defined and will on a regular basis (every 12 month) review the outcome and further optimize the strategy.

#6 Use point balance as a sales opportunity


You can work with influencers and promoters that drive additional members and transactions to your loyalty program. By having the right approach and tools you can track the results of each influencer and give rewards and incentives to both the member and influencer.

Examples of benefits:

  • Member Acquisition: Bring in new members that you may not have reached through your standard channels
  • Increase Transactions: Drive additional transactions by having the right rewards set up specifically designed for influencer and promoters

There are two major success factors to ensure that influencer referrals are successful and brings value. #1 You need to have the right reward structure both for influencer and members; #2 The execution needs to be streamlined and efficient to ensure you can amend, update and change the influencers and promoters that you are using. Memberson have expertise in both these areas.


Give out specific influencer promo codes to a set of influencers (often in social media) that gives the person that signs up an attractive offer and enable you to track how many sign up and associated purchases that each influencer has achieved (and reward them)


  1. Identify influencers
  2. Create unique promo codes for each influencer
  3. Set up the sign-up reward mechanism for new sign-ups  (voucher or points)
  4. Run promo code report to identify signups & transactions from each influencer
  5. Reward the influencer


  • Cost of influencer rewards
  • Increase in member growth – > 20% [depends on number of influencers]
  • Increase in transactions -> 5% [depends on increase in member growth]

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

Please contact Memberson for further discussions

#7 Influencer Referrals


Use deeplinks in the mobile app from push notifications directly into vouchers or events to drive a much deeper and meaningful engagement. Can be bundled with voucher utilization restrictions for further exclusivity

Examples of benefits:

  • Improve Mobile App usage and benefit: Ensuring active engagement and mobile app usage
  • Increase member transactions: Drives additional member transactions by getting members to use vouchers

The design of the loyalty best practice is important to ensure it has the right voucher, push message and utilization restrictions to maximize the success. Memberson can help you navigate both the business application and technical implementation.


Use deep links in the Mobile App to take the person directly to the voucher redemption or voucher detail page to both promote the particular product / event / benefit and to ensure higher redemption and conversion rates.

Execution Overview

  1. Set up new offer with voucher, you can either issue the voucher or leave it for redemption
  2. Define a push notification with deep links
  3. Execute the campaign and engagements
  4. On tap take the person directly to the voucher, either the voucher redemption page to redeem the voucher or directly to the voucher to utilize it
  5. Optional: use utilization restrictions to make it more exclusive
  6. Track voucher utilization


  • Cost of benefit
  • Increase in spending / purchases > 5%

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

The deep link functionality can go to various different places within a mobile app such as Message inbox, My Account Page, Events / News Page among others. However, for the purpose of this best practice we will direct the user to a specific voucher which has been issued to the member as a specific offer.

#1 Set up new offer with voucher

There are several different options you can use in terms of where in the voucher flow you want to trigger this and what type of restrictions that you want to employ. For this example, we will use the following logic:

  • It will be issued to members that have spent at least an equivalent of SGD100 this year (2024 used in our example)
  • Only the first 100 vouchers can be used (what we call utilisation restriction)

The purpose is to drive the end of season sale of a product. The first step is to set up the voucher and we have used some basic voucher setting as per the below screenshot.

There are many options around stock balance, redemption restrictions (total, member, daily etc) but what we will use in this case is the utilization restrictions and limit the total utilization to 100 (even though we may have issued more vouchers).

The next step is to issue out this voucher. We will create a campaign called “Special Restricted Offer to Spending Members” so we also can set up a deep link push notification in the same campaign.

We will use the following target criteria (just use the total spending and date):

The target criteria are used for both engagements (to give voucher and send push notifications).

#2 Define a push notification with deep links

For people to actively be aware of the voucher that has been given to them we will now in the same campaign set up a push notification that will go out the day after the vouchers have been issued to the members.

We will set up the push notification with deep links so by tapping the push notification the user is directly taken to the voucher they have been given. There are many pre-configured options where to go within the app once you tap the notification but for this use case it should go to the voucher.

A few things to note when setting up the design for the push notification. The action field defines what deep link you want to set up and the action parameter defines in this case the actual voucher that the user should be redirected to.

We also include a notification image and a voucher which will allow the user to go to the voucher from the message inbox within the app as well.

#3 Execute the campaign and engagements

We have now set up the campaign and individual engagements to be executed after each other (voucher first and then push notification). We could of course add more communications and reminders via other channels as well but for this scenario we will restrict it to one voucher followed by one push notification.

#4 Member receives push notification and taps on it

The member would already have received the voucher and once the push notification comes to their phone they can tap on it. Once they tap on the push notification they will be immediately taken to the voucher in My Rewards and they will see exactly how many vouchers that are available.

If they missed the push notification or has turned it on, once they go into the App they will see that they have a new message / notification and can access the message in the inbox. From the inbox if they press the Show Voucher button they will be taken to the voucher directly.

#5 Track voucher utilization

You can now track the voucher utilization either directly in the Voucher Admin page or you can run the voucher utilization report to see additional details around the utilization.

It is of course possible to set up various similar combinations and scenarios including multiple messages. However, by sending a push notification that takes the member directly to the voucher, it increases the chances of the member actually using the offer and making the purchase.

#8 Deep links for higher voucher conversion


Customer loyalty surveys lead to a better understanding your customers as a tool to measure and reward your customers for completing the survey and providing specific feedback on your loyalty program. It also enables you to design your loyalty program and marketing campaigns based on specific member views and feedback.

Examples of strategic benefits:

  • Measuring actual loyalty customer satisfaction
  • Increase cost efficiency of programs: Asking specific questions is a cost-effective way to enhance your loyalty program to identify the right areas to improve
  • Improve effectiveness of marketing campaigns by using the loyalty survey to segment your campaigns and rewards

Using Memberson’s expertise on loyalty will ease you into asking the right and relevant questions on your customer loyalty survey leading to increased customer satisfaction


A customer loyalty survey is used to identify loyalty preferences and opinions of your members to enhance your program and brand. In its simplest form it is a Net Promotion Score survey used to gauge customer loyalty, satisfaction, and enthusiasm with a company. By enabling you to identify the customers and link it to purchases, behavior and attributes you gain insights into how to improve both your loyalty program but also your marketing campaigns.

Execution Overview

  1. Set up survey and integration
  2. Target and identify customer segment for survey participation
  3. Consolidate survey results
  4. [Optional] Reward customers who have participated in the survey
  5. Run analysis to track participation, results and use results to improve program and campaigns


  • Cost of eDM/SMS blast for survey participation and survey tool
  • Cost of survey participation reward [if any]
  • Increase in repeat purchase from participants (through reward) – > 10%
  • Better understanding of next loyalty action and strategy

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

This is a typical implementation process for a simple NPS survey where we store the result in your CRM solution. Do note that there are various configuration options available. When you set up more advanced survey’s you should run the analysis of these survey’s in the survey tool directly to improve the insights of the program.

#1 Create Survey (using TypeForm as an example)

The first step is to sign up and design the survey for the Net Promotion Score. As an example we will use TypeForm since Memberson already have a pre-built Zapier integration with TypeForm.

Typeform: People-Friendly Forms and Surveys

Do note that depending on the survey solution used there will be a cost for the online survey which will depend on how many responses you are looking to get. You can manage this via targeting certain sets of customer in phases.

Once you have signed up you need to create the survey. This can simple be done by creating a form, select start from scratch and then select Net Promoter Score.

Thereafter go to newly created form, select Logic and then “Personalize with data” and hidden fields. Here you will now create the hidden field “customer_number” that will allow you to connect the survey that you have created with the actual customer in the CRM system if you provide the customer_number in the survey link. Thereafter proceed to publish the survey.

You can now get the link that you need to give your customers for them to respond to the survey (under the share menu item). However, before proceeding we need to create a link between TypeForm and Memberson CRM platform.

#2 Set up a TAG in CRM (if not available)

Set up a TAG in CRM to store the Net Promoter Score result (1-10 score)

#3 Create a Zap connecting TypeFrom and Memberson

This will require the support from Memberson. We already have pre-built zaps for this purpose that can be configured in a few minutes for this purpose. Please see below some screenshots with details.  

#4 Send out marketing email for people to respond to the survey

Set up an engagement (preferable email) and encourage people to complete the survey. It can be part of other EDMs and marketing messages as well. This is the standard set up, below is a very simple EDM template and do note that the button have the link to the survey with the data binding parameter [@customer_number] that will be populated with each members customer number. This is critical so we can tie back the survey response to the customer profile.

Once done send the EDM out to the target audience in Engage.

#5 Member responds and NPS score is saved into profile

The member will receive the email and by clicking on the button they will be taken to the TypeForm survey as per below:

When they enter submit the survey results it will be automatically imported under TAGS with the score value chosen.

#6 [Optional] Reward customer who participated in the survey

This can typically be done in engage or reaktor rule by using the Net Promoter Score Tag and reward those that have updated their NPS. For example a voucher or similar to drive further engagement with the customer.

Alternative if an interaction was created to indicate that someone has completed a more comprehensive loyalty survey that interaction could be used to give rewards.

#7 Review and follow up on the results

You can review the results in a report that displays the TAGS and score and do analysis on how your NPS is impacted based on different customer attributes or behaviors and how it is changing overtime.

But more importantly, you can now run certain campaigns, loyalty incentives and rewards and programs based on the NPS, both to improve the NPS in the future but also to target and design your loyalty program better.

#9 Customer Loyalty Survey (Net Promotion Score)


By implementing a referral program as part of your broader loyalty scheme, you can expect both immediate and long-term benefits in customer engagement, revenue growth, and reduced marketing costs.

Examples of strategic benefits:

  • Customer Retention: Rewarding existing customers for referrals reinforces their connection with your brand, improving retention rates.
  • Lower Customer Acquisition Costs: Referrals are a cost-effective way to acquire new customers, cutting down on marketing spend.
  • Quality Leads: People are likely to refer like-minded individuals who fit your target customer profile, leading to higher quality leads.

There are multiple pitfalls with wrong referral implementation but Memberson provides the knowledge and functionality to implement referral programs with successful outcomes.


Establish referral program that enables members to refer friends, family, colleagues where both the member and the person signing up receives benefits and incentives to engage with the brand

Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform. Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#10 Lower acquisition cost with a referral program


Automated segmentation rules that based on spending patterns and interactions will enable the person to receive a specific treatment, benefit or information, everything automatically and seamless

Examples of benefits:

  • Customer experience: Make the person feel unique and appreciated by tailoring the experience, benefit and information based on specific attributes and actions from the person
  • Increase member transactions: More relevant benefits and information will drive additional transactions from the member

The design of the loyalty best practice is important to ensure it has the right patterns and rewards to maximize the success. It is especially important to ensure that the targets are not too narrowly defined to render the effort in setting it up irrelevant. Memberson can help you navigate both the business application and technical implementation.


Configure automated segmentation rules that based on spending patterns, characteristics and interactions will classify a person into a specific segment automatically. These segments are then used to give unique benefit and information.

Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform. Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#11 Targeting with auto segmentation based on behavioral patterns and characteristics


By implementing a stepped rewards strategy, you will be taking advantage of a powerful tool to increase customer retention and revenue.

Examples of strategic benefits:

  • Understanding your customers better: Responses from introducing a certain reward to the next step of the rewards program will enhance segmentation via additional insights of what your customers want.
  • Further lengthen loyalty journey: Stepped rewards will be beneficial when special rewards are provided. Customers will see the long-term benefits of staying loyal to your brand as they advance through the tiers of your program.

Coming up with and implementing a stepped rewards plan can be daunting, but Memberson has the expertise and experience to help you identify and deploy the ideal strategy for your program.

Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform. Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#12 Increase spending through stepped rewards


Running the same campaigns with dynamic sub-sections that cater to each segment’s preferences will ensure that each communication and reward is enticing for members. This will help you to:

  • Significantly boost conversion rates
  • Optimize your budget
  • Drive long-term brand affinity and consistent engagement

The design of the loyalty best practice is important to ensure it has the content but more importantly that you find the right balance in defining the segments that has a meaningful outcome. Dynamic content requires more effort and time and you must ensure it is appropriately linked to the right sized segment to maximize the success. Memberson can help you navigate both the business application and technical implementation.

Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform. Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#13 Dynamic content in campaigns for different member segments


Conversion of refund to electronic stored value increases your loyalty program’s functionality and flexibility. This ultimately leads to long-term benefits of customer engagement and revenue growth.

Examples of strategic benefits:

  • Drive sales: Replacing cash refunds to electronic stored value creates more spending opportunities as customers will spend on the brand’s products and services.
  • Effective customer engagement: Electronic stored value allows for a more streamline experience and enhances customer satisfaction through its convenience.

This approach will ensure that you retain your revenue from refunds.

Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform. Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#14 Convert refund to electronic stored value


Track and reward different interactions to drive consistent engagement, by tracking and rewarding actions like the number of attempts or even sharing the game link.

This will allow you to do things like:

  • Devise more engaging achievements for games
  • Identify new segments (e.g. for the most avid participants)
  • Use the information gathered to trigger special journeys which will in turn drive further engagement and expansion

There are many pre-requisites for this approach and finding the right balance between the reward and benefit is crucial. If you find the right balance the the results can be great.

Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform. Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#15 Gamification - Going beyond simply awarding winners


Timed vouchers can yield tremendous results if you go beyond the standard “use x dollar voucher by y date”.

For example:

  • Include dynamic timers and strategic, personalized reminders to drive urgency
  • Timed vouchers that can only be used at specific store locations or events to drive foot traffic
  • Clear stale inventory faster by combining such vouchers with segmentation and product data for advanced targeting

It is important that you start with the basics and then build from there to introduce more advanced features and measure the results accordingly.

Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform. Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#16 Shorten repurchase time with timed vouchers


How can you not only increase the customer lifetime value, but also capitalize on the lifecycle changes that occur at each stage?

From students just starting their journey, to expectant mothers, to older members with different needs. The key is to collect and maximize the use of your customer data such as:

  • Key basic customer attributes
  • Identifications and recording of lifestyle changes
  • Purchase patterns and behaviors in the different cycles

The overall objective is to keep the engagement relevant to the member over a long period of time, by evolving along with them.

The design of the loyalty best practice is important to ensure you find the right trigger points for when people are moving lifestyle phases and how to engage and reward them throughout the journey. Memberson can help you navigate both the business application and technical implementation.

Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform. Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#17 Capitalize on customer lifecycle changes


Many brands creates a welcome message to the loyalty program and a few may have a basic engagements after the initial welcome message to introduce them to the loyalty program. However, a more advanced loyalty strategy is to build a loyalty journey around the first and second purchase to improve the chances that the acquisition of a new member translates into a valuable loyal consumer. The key is to develop first & second purchase journey that includes:

  • Information, encouragement and benefits leading up to the first purchase
  • Acknowledge and engage after the first purchase
  • Provide incentive and benefits to ensure a second purchase is made
  • After second purchase track behavior to identify if the member is becoming a loyal customer

The overall objective is to ensure as many as possible of the members signing up to the loyalty program makes both a first and second purchase to enable them to become a loyal customer over time. The second purchase may be one of the most important milestone for a member and this is often forgotten or ignored in most loyalty programs.


Create a loyalty journey around the first and second purchase that drives a loyal customer with repeated purchases and goes beyond the traditional welcome journey.

Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform. Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#18 First purchase multi-step loyalty journey


Often your members may be undecided and may not be sure when they want to make the next purchase. Introducing promo codes that is both time and quantity bound introduces both and inventive and an urgency into that decision process.

Examples of strategic benefits:

  • Member Purchases: Driving and incentives faster / more frequent purchases
  • Member Value: When participating and able to use promo codes that is both limited from a time and quantity perspective the member will feel that he has won or been given something that only a few select persons could benefit from.

It is critical that the solution enables advanced option in restricting the promo codes both from an overall perspective and by member perspective. In addition having the ability to bundle benefits and vouchers into such promo codes can greatly improve your success.


To introduce urgency in redeeming and using promo codes for purchases introduce promo codes that both is limited from a time and quantity perspective, which gives access to timebound vouchers.


  1. Create promo codes in CRM with time and quantity restrictions
  2. Set up the actual voucher and benefit with time restrictions
  3. Set up a rule that triggers the voucher and benefit based on the defined promo codes
  4. Member goes to the Mobile App an redeems the promo code
  5. Member receives and can use a voucher and/or benefit within a certain amount of time
  6. Review the results based on promo codes and utilization of vouchers


  • Cost or voucher / benefit
  • Increase in purchase directly related to promo code – > 5% increase in purchases

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

Please contact Memberson for further discussions

#19 Time-limited promo codes


Events are often planned from a marketing perspective and may be a new product launch, a new store opening or a themed event. These events are often designed to drive both additional business and brand connection. By smartly leveraging your member base with the right loyalty interactions and rewards you can increase the success of these events.

Examples of strategic benefits:

  • Event Participation: By leveraging the member base with the right loyalty interactions you can create a real buzz around your event
  • Event Purchase: Driving and incentives purchases linked to event
  • Member Value: Valuable members may feel more appreciated and become brand ambassadors with the right event and participation.

Exactly what member and loyalty event strategy you use will depend on the event and your brand, there are many options available. Closed looped and multi-steps journey’s are often an important aspect in the design.

For Memberson’s clients, we can help explain the options available to you and how you may use them for your events.


During your events leverage loyalty interactions and rewards for a successful, engaging and rewarding experience for members. Use closed loop and connected loyalty interactions to increase participation and activities during the event.


Drive event success and return with closed loop and loyalty events and interactions

  1. Define event objective and strategy with loyalty interactions
  2. Invite members with specific targeting and muti step journey
  3. QR code checking triggering automatic loyalty interactions
  4. QR code checkout triggering automatic event follow up
  5. After event multi-step campaign to drive additional interest and revenue


  • Cost of rewards and communication
  • Increase in member purchases related to event – > 10% increase in purchases

Detailed Execution in Memberson Loyalty CRM Platform

Please contact Memberson for further discussions

#20 Drive event success with loyalty interactions


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#21 Loyalty points currency options with global loyalty program


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#22 OTC promo to partners for acquisition and upsell


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#23 Engage with your members in their preferred language (engagement, mobile, vouchers)


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#24 Member Acquisition via invite a friend with post purchase rewards


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#25 Capture upsell opportunities via members' patterns


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#26 Drive product refill via Loyalty


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#27 Improve product lifecycle with timed offers


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#28 Capture missing member revenue with opportunity detection campaigns (cross-selling)


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#29 Intelligent reactivation of members


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#30 You are almost there – Tier promo


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#31 Use point expiry as a sales opportunity


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#32 Sign-up promotions to trigger pre-defined customer journeys


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#33 Clienteling - power your sale staff with member information


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#34 Use trigger based personalized communication on an individual level


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#35 Online to drive offline interaction that strengthen brand connection


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#36 Lucky draws that drives sales


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#37 Birthday journeys that drive revenue


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#38 Surprise benefits


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#39 Scan for surprise


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#40 Next-level Shopify abandoned cart management using member insights


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#41 Auxiliary revenue with gift vouchers


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#42 Apply local, regional, global contact policies to enforce rules to avoid over-communication


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#43 Approval workflow to better control campaigns and budgets


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#44 A/B testing with automated winner selection and execution


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#45 Generate two sets of revenue streams by using your member database to promote brands


Please contact Memberson for further details about this best practice, examples and details around the concept, execution, KPIs and how to set up in Memberson Loyalty CRM platform.

Our Loyalty consulting experts can guide and help you to design, set up and execute on this best practice.

#46 Loyalty for active life-style to drive rewards and brand connection